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Planning your wedding?

Wedding Planning - Stress free with Elegant Design

Planning your wedding? Have you had the dreaded “where do I start” moment yet?!

We have all been there don’t worry, its not as stressful as its made out to be, believe me I know. I am the worst person for sleepless nights and endless lists when it comes to things like this. So, if I can happily do it while setting up a business and running after my crazy 2 year old, and other children, ANYONE CAN!!


Firstly, get your self a nice new note pad, you gotta love a bit of stationery shopping!

Its a good idea to start by thinking about a budget, we all want a lavish wedding but lets face it life is expensive!! Once this is done you can start looking at wedding venues within your price range, have a look online and draw up a short list of places you want to visit. This bit is FUN, but even though you may fall in love with the first venue you visit, make sure you take a look at the rest, its not something to be rushing into!

When you have decided on a venue, and agreed a date with them, get in touch with your local registry office. See how soon you can give notice of marriage, each town will have slightly different time scales so its best to ring them to get all the information you need.

Phew! Once that is done things start seeming so much more real, and exciting! You have your budget, date and venue yippee!

Next you can start to think about your colour scheme, suits, your wedding dress, wedding stationery, bridesmaids and even your wedding decor, wedding hire packages, center pieces and if you’d like a flower wall. But remember enjoy it!

Contact Elegant Design Events and wedding hire

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